Saturday, February 20, 2010

I got my package from Hawaii

This is how my post office outlet look like I always Q up here to collect my big package or post out items
My pathetic small letter box
My small letter boxA big package or parcel cant fit in
For my sweet tooth :)

New items that Jennifer got me.i am in love with this
The tastiest all time fav of mine :)Yummy honey glazed macadamia
The extra that Jennifer got me

Ever since sweet darling Jennifer bought a can of honey glazed macadamia nuts for me to try on my birthday i got so addicted to it that i send her an email asking if she can help me purchase them.. she is so kind to get it for my sweet tooth and i am fortunate that she introduce these to me.. they are so crunchy and sweet and i cant explain how much i love them, maybe the reason is: i cant find such nice macadamia nuts over here.. think its the best nuts i've eaten so far..i am grinning from ear to ear when i received them in the post office and i cant wait to rip them up and start popping them into my mouth, even my hubby agree that they are tastier than what we have here. Wanna thank Jennifer so getting them for me and of course adding such a big box of chocolate for me and i love the coconut brittle u got me.. they are very very sweet but crunchy too with a hint of buttery taste not forgetting the chewy bits of dessicated coconut.yummy!!! Hope u love the Singapore chilli crab sauce pack i send u


Kalmo said...

Wow those chocolate/nuts look yummy. It's so nice of Jennifer to help you buy them, enjoy your new treats! :)

twinsouls888 said...

I'll remember to try this, I haven't tried it yet but it looks yummmy ;)

abitmischievous said...

yummyyyyyyyy :)

Lovangeles said...

wahouuuuu you have more chance!

Mary said...

nice!!!!.... i love chocolate!!! I have tried it a long time ago but it was soo good lol. I still have my sweet tooth and I will always have it.